Friday, June 21, 2013


For the past week my monstrous suitcase has been sitting in the center of my room mocking me.  It's a constant reminder that I suck at packing.

Typically for me packing consists of shoving articles of clothing into bags minutes before I leave, hoping by some divine intervention everything will stay together.  Something tells me these rules do not apply for international flights. 

But seriously, how do you fit six weeks' worth of stuff into ONE SUITCASE?? I'm horrified at the thought of dealing with different outlets, etc. so I've decided to pack for every possible scenario.  Naturally, this means I'm going to be packing enough for me and the population of Zimbabwe.

My thoughtful friends threw me a goodbye party, pictures below! The theme was "America." Brilliant!!

1 comment:

Julia said...

I"M SO EXCITED FOR YOU, (and will probably also check this a lot. and enjoy it a lot. hope you don't mind being stalked...)